
Showing posts from March, 2021

Lenz Law | why magnet drops slowly through copper coil?

Like this guy dropping a magnet into a copper tube, we will refer that copper tube as copper coil , so that it will make sense in technical term...   If you drop a magnet usually it will drop quickly due to the gravity (9.81m/s*s)..     But you can see clearly on that above gif . that magnet dropping very slowly....     Even when magnet won't attract copper like it attract iron, what makes that magnet to drop slowly?   Lenz law exactly explains that....      If you know the concept of   moving magnetic field creates electric current.... you can skip next para     So when we move magnetic field across copper coil it creates electric current on that copper coil, we can even light a bulb using it.... (refer to the below gif to understand better) so we use this technique on alternator/generator to produce current(in power plants).... even if you have small dc motor in home you can make that "magnetic field movement to ele...